Privatschule der Deutschen Botschaft

Ernst-Reuter-Schule Ankara

Spielerisches Lernen, Freunde finden und Strukturen erfahren.
Ganzheitliche Bildung und individuelle Lernzugänge
Den Einzelnen im Blick behalten, intensive Schüler - Lehrerbeziehung unter Einbeziehung zeitgemäßer Methoden und Medien.
Verschiedene Lernorte nutzen
Außerunterrichtliches Lernen und Wissen anwenden in der Bibliothek sowie modern ausgestatteten Fachräumen. Exkursionen vertiefen das Gelernte.
Experimentieren und Entdecken
Handlungsorientierter Unterricht nah an der Lebenswelt der Schülerinnen und Schüler.
Staunen, Vermuten und Erkennen
Interessen wecken, sich gegenseitig bereichern, Fragen stellen und gemeinsam Antworten finden.
Begleitung auf Augenhöhe
Sozialpädagogische Beratung vom Kindergarten bis zur Oberstufe: Zuhören, Wahrnehmen und gemeinsam Lösungen finden.
Hier findet jeder seinen Platz
Ankommen in der Grundschule, Wurzeln schlagen und selbstbewusst den Schulalltag meistern.
Die ,,bewegte“ Schule
Sportunterricht, Arbeitsgemeinschaften, Wettbewerbe und Teamgeist.
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An Overview of Secondary Level I

Students in secondary level I (grades 5-10) receive classroom education according to the curriculum of the State of Thuringia. We support the students’ differing backgrounds in knowledge and individual learning styles by providing varied assignments and teaching styles. Fifth grade is the connector between grammar school and secondary level I, orienting the student to the next level of learning, whether academic (Gymnasium), comprehensive (Realschule) or trade-oriented (Hauptschule). The weekly two periods of Turkish class begun in grammar school continues until eighth grade. Students who qualify for the Gymnasium take French as a second foreign language beginning in sixth grade. Students who attend Hauptschule have a class in engineering instead. Those in Realschule can choose between French and engineering. Ninth graders are required to attend a one-week practicum in a business environment, so they can gain insight into what the business world is like. We regularly provide tenth graders with information about the various educational systems in German and international universities. We provide insight into the business world by various means, such as opportunities to consult with a counsellor from the German Federal Agency for Labour, parents coming and speaking about their jobs, as well as one-week work experience programs with various companies or institutions in Ankara.

Educational Emphases

  • Regular class periods (07:55 to 12:55, Lunch break, 13:50 to 15:20)
  • Subjects follow the curriculum of the State of Thuringia
  • Subjects are taught in line with a methodical educational programme (method notebook)
  • Methods used to teach subjects are age-appropriate (method curriculum)
  • Autonomous, self-directed study methods
  • Grades 6 and 8 take competency exams in German, Mathematics and English
  • Business practicum in ninth grade
  • Main examination in tenth grade (secondary school O-level diploma)
  • Cooperative teaching methodology
  • Each child is supported and encouraged individually
  • Each child is included, no matter their strengths and weaknesses
  • Intercultural competencies are emphasised; the history of both Germany and Turkey is repeatedly presented in multiple subjects and projects

Educational Distinctives and Additional Offerings

  • Additional activities: Sports days, tournaments with other schools, German-French exchanges, attending theatre (English, French), “Kangaroo” mathematics competition, reading competition, consultation and mediation in the classroom (by the school social pedagogue)
  • Musical and drama project that includes multiple grade levels and subjects.
  • Special transition from grammar school to fifth grade through sitting in on classes
  • Regular plenary and individual parent-teacher meetings
  • Teacher-student feedback on special student consultation day once per semester
  • Experiencing the fundamentals of democracy through participation in the Student Council
  • 2-day student council retreat (class representatives, grades 5 through 9)
  • Class trips within Turkey for grades 5, 7 and 9; study trip to a large, international city for grade 10.
  • Annual trip to Kartalkaya to learn to ski (grades 5 through 9 and IB1).
  • ‘Buddy system’ to help acclimatise new students
  • Annual project days
  • School-wide celebrations
  • German as a second language

More Options

  • Extracurricular activities (arts, music, linguistic etc.) in the afternoon (at extra cost)
  • Special ‘Eating Smart’ campaign (organised by the Parents’ Council)
  • Snowball (organised by the Student Council)