Privatschule der Deutschen Botschaft

Ernst-Reuter-Schule Ankara

Spielerisches Lernen, Freunde finden und Strukturen erfahren.
Ganzheitliche Bildung und individuelle Lernzugänge
Den Einzelnen im Blick behalten, intensive Schüler - Lehrerbeziehung unter Einbeziehung zeitgemäßer Methoden und Medien.
Verschiedene Lernorte nutzen
Außerunterrichtliches Lernen und Wissen anwenden in der Bibliothek sowie modern ausgestatteten Fachräumen. Exkursionen vertiefen das Gelernte.
Experimentieren und Entdecken
Handlungsorientierter Unterricht nah an der Lebenswelt der Schülerinnen und Schüler.
Staunen, Vermuten und Erkennen
Interessen wecken, sich gegenseitig bereichern, Fragen stellen und gemeinsam Antworten finden.
Begleitung auf Augenhöhe
Sozialpädagogische Beratung vom Kindergarten bis zur Oberstufe: Zuhören, Wahrnehmen und gemeinsam Lösungen finden.
Hier findet jeder seinen Platz
Ankommen in der Grundschule, Wurzeln schlagen und selbstbewusst den Schulalltag meistern.
Die ,,bewegte“ Schule
Sportunterricht, Arbeitsgemeinschaften, Wettbewerbe und Teamgeist.
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Thank you for your interest in our school...

As the principal of Ernst-Reuter School in Ankara, I warmly welcome you. I am delighted that you are interested in the German Embassy School in Ankara. We accompany children and adolescents from kindergarten to 12th grade, providing individual support in small classes. A positive student-teacher relationship and the gradual development of independent learning are important to us.

At Ernst-Reuter School, you can be part of a vibrant school community. The school committees work hand in hand to provide the best and implement new ideas. The School Association Board, Student Council (SMV), Parent Council, and Administrative Director are valuable and reliable partners in our school development. Together with a dedicated faculty, I have the privilege of shaping the school. Through daily professional exchange, regular conferences, and training sessions, we strive for continuous school improvement. We see ourselves as a team that collaborates and learns from one another, setting an example for our students in living and learning together.

Our aim is to holistically address the development of children and adolescents. We focus not only on learning and deepening essential subject-related and methodological skills but also on nurturing student personalities that embrace solidarity, critical thinking, self-confidence, and joy in taking responsibility.

The educational leadership team, led by Ms. Erçakmak (SEK-I Coordinator), Ms. Bilgin-Ünal (Primary School Coordinator), Ms. Ahmad (IB Coordinator), Ms. Kocatepe (Kindergarten Director), and Ms. Aktalay (School Social Worker), looks forward to connecting with you. We are available to answer your questions by phone, email, or in person here in Ankara. We are excited to meet you!

For the latest updates on life and learning at Ernst-Reuter School, I recommend exploring the archived newsletters on our website or visiting us on Facebook.

Yours Sincerly

Torsten Reinecke