Privatschule der Deutschen Botschaft

Ernst-Reuter-Schule Ankara

Spielerisches Lernen, Freunde finden und Strukturen erfahren.
Ganzheitliche Bildung und individuelle Lernzugänge
Den Einzelnen im Blick behalten, intensive Schüler - Lehrerbeziehung unter Einbeziehung zeitgemäßer Methoden und Medien.
Verschiedene Lernorte nutzen
Außerunterrichtliches Lernen und Wissen anwenden in der Bibliothek sowie modern ausgestatteten Fachräumen. Exkursionen vertiefen das Gelernte.
Experimentieren und Entdecken
Handlungsorientierter Unterricht nah an der Lebenswelt der Schülerinnen und Schüler.
Staunen, Vermuten und Erkennen
Interessen wecken, sich gegenseitig bereichern, Fragen stellen und gemeinsam Antworten finden.
Begleitung auf Augenhöhe
Sozialpädagogische Beratung vom Kindergarten bis zur Oberstufe: Zuhören, Wahrnehmen und gemeinsam Lösungen finden.
Hier findet jeder seinen Platz
Ankommen in der Grundschule, Wurzeln schlagen und selbstbewusst den Schulalltag meistern.
Die ,,bewegte“ Schule
Sportunterricht, Arbeitsgemeinschaften, Wettbewerbe und Teamgeist.
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The Lunch Box — School Cafeteria

Our school cafeteria, The Lunch Box, provides the children with nutritious meals. Our motto is: “Nourishment is more than food and health is more than nourishment.” Our colourful cafeteria is specially decorated each season to promote a warm, friendly atmosphere. During the warmer months of the year we even provide outdoor seating.
Our menu combines German and Turkish meals all the while following the guidelines of the German Society for Nutrition. We prepare the meals using locally grown, fresh, seasonal foodstuffs. We also offer sandwiches, both raw and toasted, fruity yoghurts, fresh fruit and hot and cold beverages. We serve our meals on crockery made of Melanim, which helps keep the food warm.
The students, teachers and staff love The Lunch Box, which serves over 130 full meals each day.

Picture Gallery

The Cafeteria Team 2019-2020

The Lunch Box Price List

Lunch Menu12.50 ₺
Sandwiches (whole grain, fresh from the baker)5.50 ₺
Simit3.50 ₺
Toasted Cheese Sandwich5.50 ₺
Mixed Toasted Sandwich6.00 ₺
Fresh Yoghurt with Fruit and Oatmeal6.00 ₺
Hot Beverages (to be drunk in the cafeteria) 
Coffee3.00 ₺
Tea (various kinds)3.00 ₺
Salep (made with UHT milk)4.00 ₺
Hot Cocoa4.00 ₺
Cold Beveragesb> 
Various Fruit Juices (e.g. Apple or Multi-vitamin)2.50 ₺
Milk boxes (Banana, Chocolate, Strawberry)2.50 ₺
Dated March 2020. This price list is non-binding. Current prices are available at The Lunch Box.
Mrs Yesim Riemenschneider has contracted to run the cafeteria as a separate business according to a legally binding agreement with the Ernst-Reuter School under the direction of an advisory committee of teachers, parents and students. The operator is open to suggestions and requests; however, not all requests or suggestions can be implemented due to cost or logistics.