Privatschule der Deutschen Botschaft

Ernst-Reuter-Schule Ankara

Spielerisches Lernen, Freunde finden und Strukturen erfahren.
Ganzheitliche Bildung und individuelle Lernzugänge
Den Einzelnen im Blick behalten, intensive Schüler - Lehrerbeziehung unter Einbeziehung zeitgemäßer Methoden und Medien.
Verschiedene Lernorte nutzen
Außerunterrichtliches Lernen und Wissen anwenden in der Bibliothek sowie modern ausgestatteten Fachräumen. Exkursionen vertiefen das Gelernte.
Experimentieren und Entdecken
Handlungsorientierter Unterricht nah an der Lebenswelt der Schülerinnen und Schüler.
Staunen, Vermuten und Erkennen
Interessen wecken, sich gegenseitig bereichern, Fragen stellen und gemeinsam Antworten finden.
Begleitung auf Augenhöhe
Sozialpädagogische Beratung vom Kindergarten bis zur Oberstufe: Zuhören, Wahrnehmen und gemeinsam Lösungen finden.
Hier findet jeder seinen Platz
Ankommen in der Grundschule, Wurzeln schlagen und selbstbewusst den Schulalltag meistern.
Die ,,bewegte“ Schule
Sportunterricht, Arbeitsgemeinschaften, Wettbewerbe und Teamgeist.
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International Baccalaureate® Diploma

We proudly want to share with you the information that our IB students has been 100% successful this year and some of them are getting scholarships and admission from very good universities in Germany and all over the World. Our IB students have always shown extra success in IB World record statistics. Our students Yağizalp Zaimoğlu and EslemYeneroğlu have received full marks as an average (1.0 according to German NC) and an overall average of calss is 34 points out of 45 in IB (2.3 according to German NC).
Congratulations class of 2020, we are very proud of you.
IB Coordinator: Suna AHMAD Class teacher : Dr. Deniz ONUR In addition to this, we provide the students with the opportunity to visit various German universities through a study trip to Germany.

IB coordination

Office hours:

Frau Suna Ahmad, IB coordinator
Monday 11.40 a.m.-1.50 p.m. or by appointment
Dr. Bauer, collaboration with IB coordination
Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 9:20 a.m. or by appointment

Benefits of the Multi-lingual International Baccalaureate Programme at the ERS:

  • Direct access to tertiary institutions in Germany due to official recognition by The Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs.
  • Internationally recognized matriculation for acceptance to tertiary institutions worldwide.
  • Excellent preparation for higher fields of study.
  • Provides a high level knowledge of the German and English languages.
  • Provides a competitive advantage in Germany.
  • Small study groups
  • Teachers work closely with the students.
  • High quality study and career advice.
  • Attendance of MUN/EYP
  • The results of ERS graduates lie within or above the international average.

We promote:

  • Social and individual learning (including CAS)
  • Scientific methodology (Essays, G4 Project etc.)
  • Critical thinking (TOK)

Standard Level IB Mathematics

Standard Level IB Mathematics is a compulsory course for years 11 and 12 at our school. It revisits, reinforces, and expands upon many of the topics covered in grades 9 and 10, and introduces some new topics such as Weiterlesen...

German A Literature

During the course, the students will develop insight into texts from different eras, styles and genres. The competences and objectives of the course include getting to know and recognizing different types of texts, understanding the connection between content and form Continue reading....

English A Language & Literature

English A, Standard Level is designed to meet the needs of students with a high level of competency in the target language (C1/C2), to make use of a critical literacy approach to texts. Additionally it requires good skills in formal Continue reading....

Physics SL

Physics is the most fundamental of the experimental sciences, attempting to explain the universe from the smallest particles to the vastness of galaxies. Physics is one of the Group 4 experimental sciences of the IB, which includes Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Students Continue reading....

Biology HL

The biology and the international dimension: Science itself is based on an international process; The exchange of information and ideas across national borders has always been crucial to scientific progress. This exchange is not a new phenomenon but has accelerated Continue reading....


History – Nature of the subject „The IB Diploma Programme (DP) history course is a world history course based on a comparative and multi- perspective approach to history. It involves the study of a variety of types of history, including Continue reading....

French B SL

The focus of the French B SL course is language acquisition and intercultural understanding. The class is conducted in French. Students will speak, listen, read and write in French. They discover French speaking countries cultures and compare it to their Continue reading....


In addition to completing academic subjects, each student who wants to attain a diploma must complete the following three qualifications: Extended Essay: A 4000-word assignment in which each student shows their ability to study a certain subject autonomously and document Continue reading....

What our Graduates Have to Say

» My name is Luca Biever. My father is a diplomat from Luxembourg. I spent my entire school career at German schools abroad. From 2003 through 2009 I attended the Kindergarten, then the elementary school of the German School in Rome. Continue reading....

Where Our Graduates Currently Study

Germany RWTH Aachen Electrical Engineering Engineering Information Technology Computer Engineering Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt Law Business Economics Political Economy Universität zu Köln Law Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University, Bonn Law Biology / Music Marine Biology Albert-Ludwig– University, Freiburg History / German Language and Literature Heidelberg University Continue reading....