Students in secondary level I (grades 5-10) receive classroom education according to the curriculum of the State of Thuringia.
We support the students’ differing backgrounds in knowledge and individual learning styles by providing varied assignments and teaching styles.
Fifth grade is the connector between grammar school and secondary level I, orienting the student to the next level of learning, whether academic (Gymnasium), comprehensive (Realschule) or trade-oriented (Hauptschule). The weekly two periods of Turkish class begun in grammar school continues until eighth grade.
Students who qualify for the Gymnasium take French as a second foreign language beginning in sixth grade. Students who attend Hauptschule have a class in engineering instead. Those in Realschule can choose between French and engineering.
Ninth graders are required to attend a one-week practicum in a business environment, so they can gain insight into what the business world is like.
We regularly provide tenth graders with information about the various educational systems in German and international universities. We provide insight into the business world by various means, such as opportunities to consult with a counsellor from the German Federal Agency for Labour, parents coming and speaking about their jobs, as well as one-week work experience programs with various companies or institutions in Ankara.