Privatschule der Deutschen Botschaft

Ernst-Reuter-Schule Ankara

Spielerisches Lernen, Freunde finden und Strukturen erfahren.
Ganzheitliche Bildung und individuelle Lernzugänge
Den Einzelnen im Blick behalten, intensive Schüler - Lehrerbeziehung unter Einbeziehung zeitgemäßer Methoden und Medien.
Verschiedene Lernorte nutzen
Außerunterrichtliches Lernen und Wissen anwenden in der Bibliothek sowie modern ausgestatteten Fachräumen. Exkursionen vertiefen das Gelernte.
Experimentieren und Entdecken
Handlungsorientierter Unterricht nah an der Lebenswelt der Schülerinnen und Schüler.
Staunen, Vermuten und Erkennen
Interessen wecken, sich gegenseitig bereichern, Fragen stellen und gemeinsam Antworten finden.
Begleitung auf Augenhöhe
Sozialpädagogische Beratung vom Kindergarten bis zur Oberstufe: Zuhören, Wahrnehmen und gemeinsam Lösungen finden.
Hier findet jeder seinen Platz
Ankommen in der Grundschule, Wurzeln schlagen und selbstbewusst den Schulalltag meistern.
Die ,,bewegte“ Schule
Sportunterricht, Arbeitsgemeinschaften, Wettbewerbe und Teamgeist.
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Our Kindergarten is an integral part of the German school in Ankara. It offers excellent education through the German educational standards. The caretakers speak German exclusively.
Our nursery offers space for up to eight children between the ages of newborns and three years. They are cared for by two experienced caretakers.
When your child turns 3, it will transfer to the Kindergarten with caretakers and children they are already familiar with.
We value empathetic care, responsiveness to each child and their individual need and much time spent outdoors.

Educational Concept

The touchstones of our educational methods are learning by experience and free play. Our caregivers lovingly and carefully attend your child as they grow, providing a sense of closeness and security.
Free play has a special meaning for us: it is characterised by the child determining what, where and with whom it wants to play. We have different zones where the child can paint, design and experiment. We also promote concentration, perseverance, language, emotion, social behaviour, self-esteem and trust.

Hours of Operation

  • Full-day: Monday – Friday: 07:30 am – 17:30 pm


Your child will receive lunch and an afternoon snack (for children who stay all day).


The nursery is designed to serve the needs of children of highly mobile families (German or international officials, envoys of German companies or similar people). The goal is to provide a smooth transition out of and into the German educational system even when the family moves to a new city.
The primary requirement for admission is that at least one parent has full command of the German or the English language. For children whose mother tongue is not German, their home environment should facilitate speaking in German. Parents will be advised as to their responsibility in this. Children who do not speak German as their mother tongue must be no older than three years of age. The child will be subjected to a language test one year before they transition to the German School. This test will be the deciding factor in acceptance to the German School.
Please Note: The duration of your child’s attendance at the kindergarten is governed by the current binding tariffs, fees and rules and regulations for registration, de-registration, forms of payment and delinquency procedures. Admission fees will not be reimbursed under any circumstances. In the contract is terminated before the end of a given semester, the fees for that semester will have to be rendered in full. All children are given a probationary period of three months, after which parents and educators jointly decide whether the child will be admitted to the kindergarten permanently and whether any financial aid will be extended.